QR Codes Color Schemes: How to Customize QR Codes for More Scans

You usually see QR codes around you, especially in packaging or point of sale. QR codes are 2-dimensional ones that can do more than a regular barcode can.

You can quickly identify a QR code from a barcode. QR codes are square with patterns usually seen in black and white. Many use QR codes for marketing, advertising, and event organizing.

But if you are to use QR codes in your own campaign, how sure are you that it will get scanned? Here’s one thing you can do: use QR codes color schemes to make them more attractive.

Benefits of using QR codes with color

QR code design will be more enhanced with colors work similarly to traditional QR codes, with the added benefit of color customization. The colors can enhance the code’s visual appeal and help it stand out from other QR codes.

There are several benefits to using color QR codes. These include:

Increased visibility

Using colors on a QR code makes it more visible and helps it stand out from other black-and-white codes we usually see around.

Enhanced branding 

Using your brand’s color on your QR code creates room for brand recognition, as scanners can associate it with your brand.

Improved aesthetics 

Colors make anything look attractive and colorful, including QR codes. The more eye-catchy the QR code is, the more chances it could engage potential scanners.

Greater flexibility

Colors allow for more flexibility in design, allowing the QR code to fit in with the overall design of the advertisement or promotional material.

Better scanning performance

If you pick the right color combination, your customize QR code will be easier to scan. Always choose a light background paired with a much darker pattern.

Increased engagement

By making a color QR code is more visually appealing and easier to scan, users may be more likely to engage with the code and access the digital content.

Real-life examples of brands with colored QR codes

Several well-known brands have successfully used QR codes with colors to enhance their marketing efforts. Some examples include:

  1. Heinz Ketchup – Heinz once used a bright red pattern and a white background to depict their newly released ketchup.
  1. McDonald’s – Remember the free sandwich offer at McDonald’s? They used their brand colors for their QR codes—yellow and red.
  1. NikeNike used a QR code with a black and white design featuring their iconic swoosh logo to promote a new line of sneakers.
  1. Coca-Cola – The QR code is also a popular campaign tool for Coca-Cola. They use a black and white one to offer deals.
  1. L’OrealL’Oreal used a QR code with a colorful design to offer customers a free sample of their new product line.

How to create a colored QR code

To generate a QR code with colors, follow these steps:

  1. Choose a reliable QR code generator that supports color customization. Free QR Code Generator is the most recommended.
  1. Provide the data you want to encode in the QR code, such as a website URL or contact information. It depends on the solution you choose.
  1. Select the desired color scheme and customize the design to fit your needs. You can also add a logo and change frames.
  1. Preview and test the QR code to ensure it is functional and scannable. After confirming, you can then download and share it.

Best Practices in Using Colored QR Codes

When using colors in QR codes, it is essential to optimize the color usage to ensure that the code remains scannable. Some tips for optimizing color usage include:

  1. Choose high-contrast colors to ensure that the QR code is easily distinguishable. Black and white are okay, but this is too common. You can try red and white or dark blue and white.
  1. Avoid using colors that are too similar, as this can make the code difficult to scan. The pattern and background should have different colors or shades, at least.
  1. Add a call to action to encourage users to scan your code.
  1. Keep it simple – Use a clean, minimalist design and avoid adding unnecessary information or clutter. This will help to make the QR code easy to read and scan.
  1. Test on multiple devices – Test the QR code on multiple devices to ensure that it is scannable on different platforms and screen sizes.
  1. Avoid color gradients – Avoid using color gradients or shading, as these can interfere with the QR code’s readability and scannability.
  1. Use high-quality images – Use high-quality images and graphics for the QR code to ensure that it is clear and easy to scan.
  1. Choose the appropriate size – Ensure that the QR code is suitable for its intended application. If the code is too small, it may be easier to scan, and if it is too large, it may be difficult to incorporate into marketing materials.
  1. Ensure mobile responsiveness – Ensure that the QR code is mobile responsive, easily accessible, and scannable on mobile devices.

Uses of QR codes with colors

Colored QR codes can benefit in some ways, including the ones listed below.

  1. Promotions – You can use QR codes with colors to promote discounts, free samples, and other special offers.
  1. Product packaging – You can add QR codes with colors on product packaging to provide additional information about the product, such as ingredients or usage instructions.
  1. Business cards – You can add QR codes with color to business cards as in businesscard vCard QR code to provide quick and easy access to contact information.
  1. Events – You can use QR codes with colors to provide attendees with event information, schedules, and other relevant details.
  1. Engagements– Colors in QR codes can also enhance the user experience by making the codes more visually appealing and easier to scan.

For example, using colors that align with brand colors can create a consistent and cohesive brand experience for users.

Additionally, colors can draw attention to the code and encourage users to engage with the content.

Add life to QR codes with colors

Creativity fuels a great QR code campaign. Adding colors makes your QR code more attractive and appealing to users. 

In return, you get higher chances of getting scanned and results in a successful campaign. Don’t settle on the usual color palette; you can surely go the extra mile by using QR colors. 

Unleash your creativity by using this element in your QR code. Visit the Free QR Code Generator and color a QR code today!