Data Gathering Now Made Easy With QR Code Survey

Surveys are an integral part of data gathering. Thru the results of this survey, businesses and marketers get to strategize better on their processes and improve their services.

A QR code survey allows respondents to access the survey form in just a scan instantly. After scanning the code, users can directly fill out the survey form using their devices.

It allows for passive data gathering where the survey owner doesn’t have to exert much effort in looking for respondents to participate in the procedure.

They can just print a QR code somewhere, and anyone who scans it can participate.

Advantages of Using QR Codes in Survey

You can get your own QR code from a free QR code generator. And here are some advantages that yu can get from using one.

Convenience for respondents

Respondents can quickly and easily access and complete a survey by scanning a QR code. 

Instead of typing a web address or navigating to the right page, respondents can access the survey anytime and from any location by scanning a QR code with their cell phones.

It makes it easier for survey respondents to respond and can increase the chance that they will complete the questionnaire.

Ease of use for researchers

For researchers to create or use QR codes in their work, there is no need for specialized expertise or expensive equipment.

They can use QR codes in conjunction with many survey platforms to collect information, and their generation is made feasible by free online tools. It saves them time and cost for survey design and management for researchers.


Using QR codes in this situation saves a lot of money compared to labor-intensive alternatives like paper surveys.

As there is no need to print or deliver survey materials, QR codes can significantly reduce survey costs.

Data collection in real-time

Researchers can gather data instantly by scanning QR codes, which expedites analysis and subsequent action.

The researcher receives participant responses immediately after they enter the survey using a QR code for evaluation and analysis. It is helpful for surveys with time constraints or whenever a quick response is required.

Increased response rates

QR codes can increase response rates by offering a simple and rapid way to gather input. Due to the ease of using their smartphones to scan QR codes, smartphone users are more likely to complete surveys.

By placing QR codes in visible places like how a store window QR code works, researchers can contact more people and increase survey participation rates.

How To Create QR Code For Survey

Creating a QR code for a survey is a simple process that you can do using a free online QR code generator. Here are the steps to create a QR code for your survey:

Step 1: Choose a QR code generator:

If you search for a free QR code generator online, you’ll find many results. Choose one that is easy to use and provides the necessary features to customize your QR code, like the Free QR Code Generator.

Step 2: Select the type of QR code:

Choose the type of QR code you want to create—you can use the Google Form QR code or file QR code.

Step 3: Provide the data needed:

Paste the link to your survey form in the generator.

Step 4: Customize the QR code:

Customize the QR code to make it more visually appealing and eye-catching. To make it stand out, you can add colors, logos, and other elements to the QR code design. You can also add a call to action.

Step 5: Download the QR code:

Download the QR to incorporate it into different formats, such as posters, flyers, and social media.

Tips for customizing the QR code for maximum impact

Use contrasting colors

To make your QR code stand out, use contrasting colors. The black pattern and white background is the most common QR code design. However, you can still use other colors.

Keep it simple

Although customization is a must, it is advisable to make it simple. Don’t use an overwhelming logo to the point that it covers the whole code. It will affect readability.

Test the QR code

Before using the QR code, test it to ensure it works correctly. Use a variety of devices to test the QR code and make sure that it is scannable.

Add a call-to-action

Adding a call-to-action to your QR code can encourage respondents to scan it. For example, you could add a message like “Scan to take the survey!”

Best practices for designing survey questions

Designing questions that respondents will genuinely answer is crucial in gathering relevant data from a survey. While creating survey questions to go along with QR codes, keep in mind the following principles:

Keep it short and simple:

Make specific survey questions brief and get to the point. Ask short, simple questions or write sentences that are easy to understand.

Short questions are easier to read and understand, which makes it more likely that the answers will be right.

Use clear language:

Use simple, clear, and easy-to-understand language. Don’t use jargon, technical terms, or language specific to your industry that your respondents might not know.

All of the people who fill out the survey should be able to understand the terms used in the questions.

Avoid leading questions:

Leading questions can change how someone answers, leading to wrong answers. Don’t ask questions that imply a particular response or could influence how the person responds.

Include closed-ended questions:

Closed-ended questions, like multiple-choice or Likert scale questions, are easier for respondents to answer and can give more accurate data.

Open-ended questions can take a lot of time and lead to answers that need to be completed or aren’t relevant.

If you follow these best practices, you can make good survey questions that are easy to understand and get valuable answers.

Keeping the questions short, clear, and concise helps get more responses and collect more accurate data.

Ideas for where to place the QR code

Social media

You can put the QR code on your Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter pages. Followers will find it easy to get to the survey this way.

Print materials

Flyers, posters, and brochures are all good places to put the QR code. It makes it easy for people to take the survey even when they don’t have Internet access.

Email campaigns

In your email campaigns, include the QR code and tell people to scan it. It is a great way to reach many people and get more people to fill out your survey.


Put the QR code on the home page of your site or in the footer. It makes it easy for visitors to find the survey and increases the likelihood that they will finish it.

Share your survey form with ease using QR codes

Use QR codes to quickly and easily increase the number of survey takers. You may easily streamline your survey procedures with QR codes.

To make your survey more approachable and user-friendly, incorporate your survey with QR codes now.

Don’t hesitate to incorporate QR codes into your survey strategy and encourage everyone to use them! Visit the Free QR Code Generator website today.