QR Code Ideas for Online Volunteering and Social Impact

QR codes, or Quick Response codes, are two-dimensional barcodes that you can scan using a smartphone or tablet to access information or perform a specific action. 

Today, people in the corporate, marketing, hospitality, and food industries use QR codes, but they can also be helpful for online volunteering and social impact efforts. 

These codes can offer a simple and convenient way to access and participate in virtual events, donate to charities and causes, and promote social impact campaigns.

They can also help increase the importance of virtual volunteering and the need for organizations to find new ways to connect with and engage their supporters. 

This blog will explore QR code ideas for online volunteering and social impact. You will also learn how to create and design effective QR codes, strategies for promoting and tracking QR code-based volunteerism, and social impact. 

You will only need a Free QR code generator available online to do all these things.

By the end of this blog, you will better understand how you can use QR codes to make online volunteering and social impact more convenient and practical.

Using QR codes for virtual volunteer events

QR codes can be a convenient way to access and participate in virtual volunteer events, you can get one from the Free QR Code Generator.

For example, an organization might include a QR code in an email or social media post inviting volunteers to participate in an online event. 

When a volunteer scans the QR code, they will find a webpage with information about the event and any necessary login or registration details. 

This can make it easier for volunteers to get involved, as they don’t have to remember or manually type in a long URL.

Some organizations that are using QR codes for virtual volunteer events include:

  • VolunteerMatch, a platform that connects volunteers with opportunities to serve in their local communities, has implemented QR codes at virtual events to allow attendees to access event materials and participate in polls and surveys easily.
  • The Red Cross has used QR codes to allow volunteers to check in and out of virtual events and training sessions and access resources and materials.

QR codes for donating to charities and causes

QR codes can also facilitate charitable donations through mobile devices. For example, an organization might place a QR code on a donation page, in a direct mail piece, or at an event, allowing donors to scan the code and donate using their smartphone.

This can make it easier and more convenient for donors to support the organization, as they don’t have to enter their payment information manually.

Some organizations that are using QR codes for charitable donations include:

  • UNICEF has implemented QR codes at events and in direct mail campaigns to allow supporters to make donations quickly and easily.
  • The American Cancer Society has used QR codes in direct mail pieces and at events to allow supporters to make donations on the spot.

Overall, QR codes can be a valuable tool for online volunteering and social impact efforts, providing a convenient way for volunteers and supporters to access and participate in virtual events, donate to charities and causes, and promote social impact campaigns.

QR codes for social impact campaigns

Video QR code

QR codes can also promote social impact campaigns and raise awareness about important issues. 

For example, an organization might include a QR code for social media post, advertisement, or event material that takes supporters to a webpage with information about the campaign and ways to get involved. 

This can increase engagement and reach, as supporters can easily access and share the campaign information with others.

Some organizations that are using QR codes for social impact campaigns include:

  • The World Wildlife Fund has used QR codes in print and digital advertisements to allow supporters to learn more about and participate in conservation efforts.
  • The Humane Society has included QR codes in social media posts and event materials to promote animal welfare campaigns and encourage supporters to take action.

Benefits of using QR codes 

Increased convenience for volunteers

QR codes make it easy for volunteers to get involved with a campaign by simply scanning the code with their mobile devices. 

It eliminates the need for volunteers to type in a website URL or search for a campaign online, saving time and increasing the likelihood of someone getting involved.

Better tracking and reporting

Track and report on volunteer hours and involvement using QR codes to help organizations understand their efforts’ impact and identify improvement areas.


QR codes are free to create and can be easily printed, shared, and scanned as a QR code signage. They don’t require additional investment in technology or equipment.

Increased brand awareness

Promote a QR code campaign and increase brand awareness by directing volunteers to a website or other marketing materials.

Contactless volunteering

Registration QR codeUse QR codes to facilitate contactless volunteering, for example, by creating a Google Form QR code for a sign-up form. 

Place it in a visible location for people to scan and register as volunteers without handling paper forms or in-person sign-ups.

Online volunteering

Organizations can use QR codes to allow people to volunteer online, for example, by scanning a QR code to access a virtual volunteer opportunity or to view a training video.

Gamification of volunteering

Create interactive and gamified volunteer experience by creating a QR code scavenger hunt-like challenges that lead to different volunteer opportunities.

Create a QR Code for Online Volunteering and Social Impact today

QR codes can be a powerful tool for online volunteering and social impact initiatives. They provide a convenient, efficient way for volunteers to get involved and make a difference. 

Aside from that, they are also valuable to any online volunteering and social impact initiative, helping organizations engage volunteers and positively impact the community. 

By using QR codes, organizations can increase the chances of volunteers getting involved and improve the overall experience for volunteers.

And the best part is that you can easily create a QR code without spending a single dime with a free access QR code-creating platform.

Whether promoting a charity, a non-profit organization, or a cause, QR codes can help you reach your goal and make the volunteering process more seamless and efficient.