QR Code Ideas for HR and Employee Tracking

One area where QR codes are particularly useful is in HR and employee tracking. By using QR codes, businesses can automate various HR processes, saving time and resources while improving data accuracy.

QR codes provide convenience and are easy to use but give out great results regarding HR functions. These versatile squares help companies with its offline-to-online capability, and can provide a better way for people to read more information on the comforts of their smartphones.

There is a projection of 99.5 million users of mobile QR code scanners by 2025. This means that in the coming years, QR codes will continue to penetrate almost all sectors including HR and employee management field.

So in this blog post, we will explore how QR codes can be used for HR and employee tracking and the benefits businesses can reap from this technology.

Benefits of using QR codes for HR and employee tracking

QR codes are 2-dimensional barcodes generated by a QR code maker like the Free QR Code Generator.

There are several benefits to using QR codes for HR and employee tracking. One of the main advantages is increased efficiency. 

By using QR codes to track employee attendance, for example, businesses can avoid the need for manual timesheets, which can be time-consuming and prone to errors.

Similarly, using QR codes to track training and certification can save time and resources by automating the process of tracking employee progress and ensuring that all necessary certifications are up to date.

Another benefit of using QR codes for HR and employee tracking is cost savings. By automating processes and reducing the need for manual data entry, businesses can save on labor costs and reduce the risk of errors that could lead to costly mistakes.

In addition, using QR codes for HR and employee tracking can improve data accuracy, as it allows businesses to track and store data electronically rather than relying on paper records that can be lost or damaged.

Examples of HR and employee tracking applications

There are many ways in which QR codes can be used for HR and employee tracking. Some of the most common applications include:

  1. Time and attendance
Attendance form QR code

By using QR code time attendance tracking to track employee attendance, businesses can eliminate the need for manual time sheets and reduce the risk of errors.

You can provide an attendance QR code, where employees can fill in their in-out time. Place it in the doorway for them to scan before entering the workplace.

This is more convenient than standing in line to record their names in the logbook, which poses a threat to virus transmission.

  1. Training and certification

QR codes can be used to track employee training and certification progress, ensuring that all necessary certifications are up to date.

You can distribute e-certificates using QR codes instead to employees, especially if you want to surprise them with an award.

  1. Performance evaluations

QR codes can be used to track employee performance and provide feedback, helping to improve overall productivity and performance.

  1. Employee onboarding

QR codes can be used to streamline the employee onboarding process, providing new hires with access to important documents and information.

  1. Health and safety tracking

QR code tracking helps monitor employee health and safety, ensuring that employees are following proper protocols and procedures.

Tips for implementing QR code tracking

  1. Choose the right QR code technology

There are many different QR code technologies available, and it’s important to select one that meets the needs of your business. Consider factors such as cost, compatibility with your existing systems, and the level of security and privacy needed.

  1. Communicate with employees

It’s important to involve your employees in the process of implementing QR code tracking. Make sure they understand how the system will work and how it will benefit them, and encourage them to provide feedback and suggestions.

  1. Roll out the system gradually

Implementing QR code tracking can be a big change for your business, so it’s important to take it slow and roll out the system gradually. This will give you time to iron out any issues and ensure that everything is working as it should.

  1. Train employees on how to use the system

Make sure that all employees know how to use the QR code tracking system, and provide training and support as needed.

  1. Monitor and review the system regularly

Once the system is up and running, it’s important to monitor its performance and make any necessary adjustments. Regularly review the system to ensure that it’s meeting the needs of your business and your employees. 

How to create a QR code

  • Go to Free QR Code Generator online
  • Click on the QR code solution you want to generate that suits your needs
  • Provide the data needed
  • Click generate QR code
  • Customize your QR code. You may add colors, change frame and eyes, and add a call to action
  • Test your QR code to see if it’s working
  • Download, print, and deploy your QR code

The Google Form QR code

Feedback QR code

The Google Form QR code is one of the most suitable QR code solutions to use in employee tracking. This QR code embeds your form and is easily accessible to any user by just scanning the code.

All you have to do is create a form, whether for attendance, feedback, or work assignments. Copy the forms link in a QR code generator, then convert. 

You can post this QR code at your front desk, doorway, and entrances so employees can scan them before starting work.

Static vs. Dynamic QR Google Form QR code

You can create static or dynamic Google Form QR codes.

Static QR codes contain a fixed set of information stored in the code itself. They are simple and easy to use, but the information they contain can’t be changed. 

Static QR codes are free, but these QR codes are good for one-time use only.

So for employee tracking, dynamic QR codes are advisable to use. These codes contain a link to a website or other online resources and can hold other types of data. 

Even though they don’t come for free, the good thing about dynamic QR codes though is that they have more advanced features. You can edit, track, add password, and expiry to your QR code.

When choosing a QR code for HR and employee tracking, it’s important to consider the specific needs of your business and the level of security and privacy required.

You may also want to consider factors such as cost, compatibility with your existing systems, and ease of use for your employees.

QR code tracking is a powerful tool that can help businesses streamline and automate various HR processes, saving time and resources while improving data accuracy.

If you’re considering implementing QR code tracking in your business, consider the benefits and tips outlined in this blog post, and consider consulting with an expert to help you choose the right technology and implement a successful rollout.

QR codes are the perfect way to promote contactless logins, especially as people are getting more mindful of fingerprint-based attendance systems. 

To begin your QR code HR system integration, sign up for an account now at the Free QR Code Generator or contact customer service.