Digital Safety: How to Spot and Avoid a Fake QR Code

Falling victim to a fake QR code scam comes with great risks and may result in compromised security and even financial loss.

QR codes are so integrated into our daily routines— from making payments to accessing exclusive content—that it’s become hard to imagine a life without them. 

However, amid this convenience lies a potential hazard: the increasing number of counterfeit QR codes. These deceptive codes can expose users to cyber threats, compromising their privacy, security, and financial well-being. 

Understanding why one should be vigilant when encountering QR codes, especially those of dubious origin, is crucial in safeguarding oneself against digital deception and harm. 

Explore the risks associated with bogus QR codes and the importance of using a reliable free QR code generator to create quality and legitimate QR codes.

Table of Contents

    1. How does a counterfeit QR code work
    2. How to know if a QR code is fake
    3. Example cases of counterfeit QR code scams
    4. Create your QR codes with the reliable Free QR Code Generator
    5. Why should you avoid scam QR codes?
    6. What to do if you encounter a suspicious QR code
    7. Safeguarding against fake QR code risks
    8. Frequently asked questions

How does a counterfeit QR code work

A counterfeit QR code exploits the trust and convenience associated with QR code technology to deceive users into performing actions that benefit the scammer.

Unlike a QR code with password, this type of QR code is meant to be easily accessible and scanned to victimize many.

Here’s a detailed explanation of how a counterfeit QR code operates:

Redirecting to phishing sites

Once scanned, a QR code scam might redirect you to a website that looks like a legitimate login page for a bank, social media platform, or other trusted service. 

These websites are designed to take your login credentials, passwords, or other sensitive information you enter. 

Distributing malware

Scanning counterfeit QR codes could download malware onto your device. This malware can be very dangerous and can steal your personal information, track your online activity, damage your device, or even data breach in a ransomware attack.

Promoting scams

QR codes that link to fake websites might display fake offers or promotions. These scams might pressure you into sharing personal details, sending money, or clicking on additional malicious links. 

They often use urgency or scarcity tactics to make you act quickly without thinking critically.

How to know if a QR code is fake

Knowing the difference between an actual QR code and a fake one that leads to phishing scams or other forms of cyber fraud can reduce the risk of scanning them.

To determine if a QR code is real or fake, take note of the following features to verify its legitimacy:

Clarity and quality

A real QR code should have firm and well-defined clarity with a proper QR code size. The squares should be distinct and evenly spaced. Meanwhile, distorted QR codes with blurry and pixelated quality are most likely fake.

Damage and wear

A minor wear and tear shouldn’t affect a QR code’s scannability. A well-made QR code can withstand some minor damage and still function properly. 

However, scammers can create high-quality counterfeit QR codes that look perfect, even if intended to be misleading. They dress QR codes in shapes that meant to attract more attention.

Digital degradation due to low-resolution printing or encoding errors can impact scanning reliability. These issues primarily affect the usability of the QR code, but they do not inherently indicate whether the QR code is fake or genuine.

Suspicious additions

Fake QR code

How to know if a QR code is fake or not can be challenging, but with a keen eye, you’ll immediately know which one is legitimate and which one is a fraud.

Scam QR codes can have additional elements surrounding them, like unusual shapes, borders, or text instructions that don't seem necessary. 

A genuine QR code typically stands alone. Extra text or graphics within the QR code that are not part of the standard encoding, which could indicate tampering or alteration, is an excellent example of this. 

Unrealistic promises

If the preview suggests the QR code leads to something too good to be true, like winning a free phone or instant wealth, it's probably a scam.

Legitimate QR codes are more likely to link to reputable company websites, social media profiles, or relevant content platforms.

Unfamiliar locations

Legitimate QR codes are typically professionally printed and placed in relevant contexts. If a random QR code appears poorly printed, damaged, or out of place, like on a random wall in a public area, it could be a sign of unauthorized placement.

While encountering a QR code in an unfamiliar location might raise caution, it doesn't automatically indicate that it's fake. 

Assess the situation carefully, consider the context, and take appropriate precautions before scanning any QR code for potential scams or security threats.

Example cases of counterfeit QR code scams

QR code scams

Here are some example cases where counterfeit QR codes have been used for fraudulent purposes:

Payment fraud

Fraudsters can create QR codes that appear legitimate but direct payments to their accounts instead of the intended recipient. 

They might do this by placing their own QR code stickers over legitimate ones in public places or by distributing QR codes through phishing emails or websites.

Fraudsters can also use QR codes in phishing scams, tricking users into directing scanners to a malicious website using a QR code or prompting them to enter sensitive information.

Attackers can create QR codes that, when scanned, direct users to malicious websites. These websites may attempt to install malware on the user’s device, steal personal information, or trick users into revealing sensitive data.

QR codes can be used in phishing campaigns where users are tricked into scanning a code that directs to a fake login page or a page requesting personal information such as passwords or credit card details.

Ticket scams

Scammers create counterfeit QR codes that appear to be valid tickets for an event. These QR codes may be sold on third-party websites, through classified QR code ads or social media platforms.

Victims purchase these fake tickets believing they are genuine. Scammers may offer enticing prices or last-minute deals to lure buyers.

Data theft

Data theft QR code

Attackers create legitimate QR codes, often using logos or QR code design that mimic trusted brands or services. These QR codes may be distributed via phishing emails, fake websites, or printed materials.

Some QR code shams use social engineering tactics to manipulate users into providing information voluntarily.

For example, a QR code might lead to a survey or quiz that asks for personal information under pretenses.

Fake QR code discounts or coupons

When scanned, these counterfeit QR codes may lead to websites that prompt users to enter personal information, download malware, or participate in surveys that collect sensitive data.

They can create QR codes that appear to offer discounts or coupons for popular products or services. These QR codes may be distributed via email, social media, or printed materials.

They may also mimic legitimate websites to deceive users into providing sensitive information.

Create your QR codes with the reliable Free QR Code Generator

Using a reliable QR code generator is important to avoid encountering or inadvertently creating counterfeit QR codes.

Our software ensures that the QR codes it produces are legitimate and functional. We adhere to standards and best practices for QR code creation, which helps prevent errors or vulnerabilities that scammers could exploit.

To create:

1. Go to Free QR Code Generator online. 

2. Use a QR code solution of your choice.

3. Enter the data. 

4. Generate the QR code. 

5. Change the design to match your branding using the customization tools: color, eyes, frame, logo, and pattern. 

6. Scan and perform a QR code test, see if it’s working. 

7. Download in PNG for digital use or SVG for prints, integrate it on different materials, and deploy. 

Why should you avoid scam QR codes?

Knowing why and how to avoid fake QR code can help you avoid risks and protect you from cyber threats and scams. 

Here are the key reasons why it's essential to recognize and avoid bogus QR codes:

Reputation damage

Being tricked by counterfeit QR codes can damage your reputation, especially if you unknowingly share personal or sensitive information that scammers then exploit. 

It can also erode trust in legitimate QR codes used for transactions or interactions in the future.

If customers encounter a fake QR code associated with your business, they may begin to question the legitimacy of all your QR codes. This can lead to confusion and a general distrust of your brand's use of QR code technology.

Security risks

Counterfeit QR codes can lead to security breaches by redirecting users to malicious websites like the Dark Web or initiating malware downloads onto their devices.

This can compromise your device's security and privacy, leading to potential data theft, financial loss, or unauthorized access.

Scanning such codes could result in financial loss if you make payments for goods or services that are never delivered or are of poor quality.

In some cases, unknowingly scanning counterfeit QR codes could lead to legal issues, significantly if sensitive information is compromised or the QR code scam involves illegal activities.

What to do if you encounter a suspicious QR code

QR code protect

If you encounter suspicious QR codes, taking immediate action is important to protect yourself from potential harm. 

Here’s what you should do:

Do not scan

Do you have doubts about the legitimacy of a QR code? Refrain from scanning it. Trust your gut feeling. Scanning a suspicious QR code could lead to malware installation, phishing attempts, or other cyber threats.

Verify the source

Is scanning a QR code dangerous without verifying its source and legitimacy beforehand? 

It depends on whether the QR code is from a trusted source.

Try to verify the source of the QR code. Make sure it came from a reliable source or if it's associated with a known brand or service. Be cautious of QR codes received through unsolicited emails, messages, or public places.

Inspect the QR code

Assess the QR code carefully without scanning it. Look for any signs of tampering or alterations. Legitimate QR codes from reputable sources are typically professionally printed and have explicit, readable content.

Report to authorities or the IT security team

If you believe the QR code is malicious or part of a scam, immediately report it to your IT security team. They can investigate further and take necessary actions to protect others from falling victim.

Delete or dispose safely

If you received the QR code digitally via email or any messaging app and have determined it is suspicious, delete the message containing the QR code. 

For suspicious QR codes in physical locations, avoid scanning them and inform the relevant authorities or venue staff.

Educate users about QR code security risks and best practices. Encourage them to scan QR codes only from trusted sources and to be cautious of codes received from unknown or suspicious sources.

Educate others

Educate users about QR code security risks and best practices. 

Raise awareness among your friends, family, or colleagues about the risks that come with scanning QR codes from unknown or untrusted sources. Encourage them to always be cautious and verify the legitimacy of QR codes before scanning.

Educate users about QR code security risks and best practices. 

Protect your devices

Ensure your devices (e.g., smartphones, tablets, or computers) have up-to-date security software installed. Update your apps and operating systems to protect against vulnerabilities that malicious QR codes could exploit.

Safeguarding against fake QR code risks

The prevalence of counterfeit QR codes underscores the importance of vigilance and caution in your digital interactions. 

These deceptive codes pose significant risks, from exposing personal information to installing malware on devices, potentially leading to financial losses and compromised security. 

By remaining skeptical of unfamiliar QR codes, verifying their sources, and exercising prudence before scanning, individuals can avoid these risks and safeguard their online identities.

Awareness and proactive measures, such as using a reputable free QR code generator, are essential for navigating the convenience of QR technology while staying protected from its potential pitfalls. 

Frequently asked questions

Can you disguise a QR code?

Yes, QR codes can be disguised or integrated into QR code designs and formats. Disguising QR codes involves embedding them within images, artwork, logos, or even printed materials to blend in with their surroundings. 

This practice is often used for aesthetic purposes or to integrate QR codes seamlessly into marketing materials without making them stand out as traditional black-and-white square patterns.

Is scanning QR codes dangerous?

Technically, there is no such thing as counterfeit QR codes. The codes themselves aren’t dangerous, but how they’re used can become problematic.

While QR codes are not dangerous, it is important to exercise caution and common sense when scanning them to protect yourself from potential risks.

The benefits of QR codes outweigh the risks. With proper caution, this shouldn’t stop you from enjoying the convenience it offers. 

How do I make my QR code private?

Making your QR code private involves taking steps to control who can access and use the QR code. 

Consider using a QR code generator that allows you to password-protect the content behind the QR code. Users scanning the QR code will need to enter a password to access the information or website.

Use dynamic QR codes instead of static ones. Dynamic QR codes allow you to update the linked content or redirect the URL without changing the QR code itself. 

This can be useful for maintaining control over the QR code security usage and ensuring its privacy.