How to Create a Venmo QR Code for Your Daily Use

Are you a Venmo user and want to try a faster way to transfer funds? Try the Venmo QR code today.

Venmo is a payment app used by many to pay and receive payments. Since cashless transactions are preferable to actual money today, Venmo has become more popular.

This app is available on both iOS and Android devices. You can link your bank details to it, which you can use to pay bills or process monetary transactions.

But the best part is that you can create this QR code using the free QR code generator and customize it to make a statement. 

Table of Contents

    1. How to Create a Venmo QR Code Through the App
    2. How to scan a Venmo code from screenshot
    3. How do I send money via QR code on Venmo?
    4. Benefits of Using Venmo QR Code
    5. Best Practices in Using QR Code for Venmo
    6. How to Create a Custom QR code using a free QR code generator
    7. Make payments as seamless as possible with QR codes
    8. Frequently Asked Question

How to Create a Venmo QR Code Through the App

    In app venmo QR code

    We outlined the steps to create a QR code for Venmo when using the app where it’s only available since you can't use any free QR code generator to do this.

    You can’t use any QR code generator software because it will defeat the code’s function of receiving payment. If you use a QR code software, the payment won’t go to your account. Check it out below.

    Download the Venmo app

    If you don’t have the app yet, download the Venmo app on your smartphone, this will serve as your Venmo QR code generator. It’s available for both iOS and Android devices.

    Sign in to your account

    Once you open the app, sign in to your Venmo account. You’ll need to create one if you don’t have an account yet to proceed with the Venmo login.

    Access your Venmo profile

    After that, tap on the Profile icon in the bottom right corner of the screen. Then tap on the QR Code button. After tapping this, you can get your own QR code.

    Save the QR code in your device

    You’ll see your Venmo QR code on the screen. You can save this to your device’s camera roll or take screenshots.

    Saving your QR code on your gallery will save you from the hassle of re-opening the Venmo app over and over again.

    Share the QR code

    You can now share your QR code with others. You can print and display it at your business or share it with friends and family.

    When someone scans your QR code, it’ll take them directly to your Venmo profile, where they can quickly and easily send you money.

    It’s a simple process that can make receiving payments through Venmo even more convenient.

    How to scan a Venmo code from screenshot

    Wondering how you can scan a QR code saved in your gallery? Don’t worry, about whether you scanned it from gallery or from a printed photo, it will still take you to the same Venmo account.

    How to scan a Venmo code from screenshot? Simply open your camera scanner, click on the image gallery icon below, and choose the QR code screenshot from your device. 

    You will know when the scanning begins, as the scanning parameters will show. 

    How do I send money via QR code on Venmo?

    Say you’re in a restaurant right now and about to pay your bill or in a grocery, and you’re next in line. You rummage through your purse for the coins to complete the exact amount, leaving you stressed.

    Why go through all these struggles when you can just scan a code and make payment without sweat?

    Get your smartphone. If you’re using Android 8 and above versions or iOS 11 and later, then it should have a QR code scanning feature.

    Point your camera over the QR code and wait for the scanning to begin. If it does not, then you can always download any QR code scanner on your app store to scan the code.

    Benefits of Using Venmo QR Code

    Are you curious about what makes QR code a convenient tool to manage Venmo transactions? Check out the benefits listed below:

    Quick Payments

    Venmo payment QR code

    The manual input of Venmo account numbers is prone to typographical errors, which might result in sending money to the wrong recipients. To avoid this, use a safer way—scanning a code.

    By scanning a code, you get to make instant payments that go directly to the correct recipient’s account.
    For businesses, they can take this as an opportunity to build trust and connection with their customers.

    They can place a QR codes loyalty programs beside it where they can scan a discount code first before paying for the item at a discounted price.

    Convenience and ease

    You can quickly generate and share your Venmo QR code with others, allowing seamless transactions without exchanging phone numbers or account information. 

    It saves you time spent while typing a number, making this a perfect partner for people always on the go.
    This is much more convenient than searching for the recipient’s Venmo link.


    Password secured QR code

    Imagine the hassle of sending a big amount of money to the wrong person because you key in the wrong digits. 

    You have to exhaust your way to find that person and get back the money, which can be very challenging on your end.

    That’s why eliminate the risk of manual errors when inputting recipient information—scan a QR code. The QR code for Venmo ensures that the payment goes to the intended recipient, ensuring the security of your funds. 

    Another thing that makes QR code secure is its password feature. You can use a QR code with password to make sure that only people you know will be sending you money.

    They have to input the correct password first in order to send you money. Doing so will reduce the risk of other people making wrong transactions with you and then hassling you to return the money they sent.


    It’s easy to use a QR code, even for those who may not be tech-savvy.

    In scanning a QR code, you only need your smartphone camera or a third-party app. Simply scan the code and confirm the payment, making it an accessible option for everyone: no extra instructions, no other technical steps—just a scan.

    No Hidden Fees

    Unlike other payment methods that often charge hidden fees, these QR codes are free to use. You can make transactions, whether you transfer or receive funds, without worrying about additional costs when you generate a free QR code from Venmo.

    As long both sender and receiver have a Venmo account, you can guarantee a transaction that requires no additional charge.


    Venmo QR codes can be used from anywhere, at any time, making it a convenient option for individuals constantly on the go.

    Just make sure that your Venmo account has sufficient balance, and rest assured that you can make payments or transfer funds anytime.


    QR codes for Venmo can be integrated with other payment systems, making it a versatile option for businesses that want to accept payments from various sources.

    However, making fund transfers from a different financing app to Venmo might incur you service charges, so just verify the details first.

    Overall, this integration can streamline operations and improve the overall customer experience.

    Best Practices in Using QR Code for Venmo

    Avoid a QR code scam—scanning a QR code just somewhere makes you a great target for fraud. So, to help you manage better your QR codes, we leave you with the following steps below.

    Print in the correct sizes

    Let’s begin with how small can a QR code be. Well, it depends on where you plan to place it. If it’s meant to be placed on payment counters, a small size may do, as it requires a shorter scanning distance.

    But if you’re to place this QR code on posters, then make it big enough so a larger crowd can scan it. Now if you ask how to print Venmo QR code, then it lies on what surface you intend to place it.

    You can print it on stickers or paper so you can easily attach it somewhere. Just remember to use high quality printer, material, and ink.

    Verify the recipient before making a payment

    Making payments is crucial, so ensure you pay the correct person by checking their Venmo profile and verifying their identity.

    Be cautious when making payments

    Smart QR code scanning

    If you’re paying someone you have yet to meet in person using their QR codes, be careful and make sure you know who you’re paying. It’s best to make a call first.

    For businesses, you can ask the staff of the place to verify. Don’t just rely on the QR being within the vicinity. Fraudsters might purposely place it there to deceive you.

    Avoid oversharing

    Be mindful in posting or sharing your QR code, as transactions and comments are visible to your network. Avoid posting sensitive information such as financial details or personal information.

    Hackers will find your QR code a good target if you add other details besides a call to action.

    Use Venmo for payments only

    Use Venmo only for payments between individuals, so don’t use it for business transactions or to purchase goods or services.

    All systems go through maintenance, and you don’t know when it will happen. If Venmo is on maintenance, you won’t be able to use it for the time-being.

    By following these best practices, you can ensure that your QR code payments are secure, efficient, and convenient.

    How to Create a Custom QR code using a free QR code generator

    Although you can only create a Venmo account QR code via the Venmo app, you can create a more appealing and attractive customize QR code for other purposes using other QR code solutions.

    You just have to understand a QR code and how it works. Follow the steps below to create a custom QR code.

    Choose a QR code generator

    Find the best QR code generator online. There are many QR code software online, but the Free QR Code Generator offers wide customization features to help you create unique QR codes.

    This QR code software also offers both dynamic and static QR codes to give you variations on the QR code solutions you’ll be using.

    Pick a solution

    Choose a solution that matches your purpose. There are 20 solutions to choose from, and each one of them varies in usage.

    Fill out the details

    Provide the required details to continue with the code generation depending on your chosen QR code solution. It could either be a file, a link, or personal data.

    Generate your QR code

    You’ll see a generate QR code button on the lower part of your screen. Click it to initiate generation; this should take only seconds.

    Customize your QR code

    Proceed to customize your QR code using the available features. You can modify the colors, frame and eye shape, code patterns, and add a logo.

    You can also add a call to action tag to help your code attract more scans.

    Test your QR code

    Once done customizing, you can then test your QR code to check if it works.

    Download and share. Download your QR code in either SVG or PNG, and print. You can post it online or print it to share.

    Make payments as seamless as possible with QR codes

    Join the seamless payment revolution and experience the convenience of Venmo QR codes! 
    Scan the unique code with your Venmo app and instantly transfer funds to your friends, family, or favorite businesses in seconds.

    No more searching for cash or fumbling with card numbers. Just quick and easy payments right at your fingertips.

    Take advantage of this game-changing technology, and upgrade to Venmo codes today! Visit the Free QR Code Generator for more tips and tricks about QR codes.

    Frequently Asked Question

    Can you use the same QR code for a different Venmo account?

    You cannot redirect existing QR codes from one Venmo account to another. Each account has its own specific QR code. 
    If you are to change your Venmo account details, the generated code will also change at the same time.

    Does PayPal have a QR code like Venmo?

    PayPal has its own QR code for every user. It’s accessible the same way you can access the Venmo code. To get a Paypal QR code, simple tap on your profile section and click on the QR code logo in it.
    It should display your QR code and you can download or screenshot this code to save it in your device.