How to Create an SMS QR Code in 7 Steps

The SMS QR code leads to a pre-populated text ready to be sent to a pre-filled phone number when scanned.

To put it simply, your receivers no longer have to input your phone number manually to send you a text message. Your phone number will be ready right after scanning the code.

This free QR code solution saves both the sender and receiver the time and energy spent scrolling for contact details.

Learn more about this QR code solution and how to create it using Free QR Code Generator.

Table of Contents

    1. How to create a QR code for text or SMS 
    2. How does an SMS code work?
    3. Benefits of using QR codes for sending an SMS
    4. Best use cases for a text message QR code 
    5. Best practices in designing an SMS QR code
    6. Why choose the Free QR Code Generator?
    7. Other QR code solutions to try
    8. Beyond the text: A message sent through QR codes
    9. Frequently asked question

How to create a QR code for text or SMS 

Send a text message in one swift scan with a QR code! Here’s how you can do it:

1. Go to the Free QR Code Generator website online. 

2. Select the SMS QR solution.

3. Set up your country code and input your mobile number. Then, write your message in the box below it.

4. Click the Generate QR code button.

5. Customize your QR code by modifying specific elements, such as colors, frames, eyes, and patterns. You can also add a logo and a call to action tag.

6. Test scan your QR code to ensure its readability.

7. Download, print, and deploy your QR code.

How does an SMS code work?

Unlike other solutions, which do not allow the creation of QR codes unless all boxes are filled, this specific QR code allows you to do so.

In fact, this QR code works in three different ways:

Phone number and message

Sms QR code

You can fill in the phone number and message sections together when generating this code, creating a contactless SMS solution. 

When users scan the code, they will be redirected to their message app and see both your phone number and the message you have attached to it. 

Message only

Message only QR code

You can also generate a text QR code with the message embedded on it. This is perfect for initiating message brigades and sharing uniform messages with others.

This way, you no longer have to copy and paste or manually forward the message to another person.

You can just fill in the contact number space bar and send the message immediately.

Phone number only

Phone number only QR code

You can also generate a free QR code with only your phone number in it; recipients simply need to scan to send SMS instantly to you.

How? When users scan the code, the phone number is automatically placed in the contact section of the messaging app, so they can just encode their message directly.

This reduces the risk of error in the manual input of the receiver’s number. They no longer have to search and copy your contact details from their contacts app, saving them time and effort.

Benefits of using QR codes for sending an SMS

An SMS 2D barcode offers a powerful way to bridge the gap between the physical and digital worlds. 

Here are just a few key benefits that can boost your marketing strategy and customer interactions:

Boost leads and engagement

The immediacy and personalization of SMS allow for targeted communication and faster conversion cycles. 

You can use a text message QR code to follow up on inquiries, offer exclusive promotions, or drive traffic to valuable landing pages.

A simple scan of the QR code pre-populates a text message with a pre-written message, eliminating friction and typos often associated with form filling. 

It can significantly increase the likelihood of website visitors initiating contact.

Streamline communication

SMS boasts open rates exceeding 98%, far surpassing email, and other communication channels. 

Compared to a QR code for email, this guarantees your message reaches its intended audience, keeping your brand top-of-mind for potential customers.

Text messages are delivered and read instantly, facilitating immediate engagement. 

You can initiate conversations, answer inquiries, and address concerns in real-time, maintaining lead interest and fostering stronger relationships.

Respond to inquiries, offer personalized promotions, and provide real-time support—all through the convenience of QR codes for SMS.

Contactless SMS convenience

In today's touch-averse world, SMS codes provide a safe and convenient way for customers to interact with your business.  

No need to download apps or share personal information; a quick scan and they're connected.

Build trust and transparency 

By prioritizing transparency and respecting user choice, you can leverage SMS QR codes to build trust and cultivate a loyal customer base.  

When users scan your QR code, ensure they understand they're opting in to receive marketing messages. 

Display a clear message outlining the types of messages they can expect and how often they'll be received.

These practices not only comply with legal regulations but also foster a positive brand image that resonates with today's privacy-conscious consumers.


Eliminate the need for traditional marketing materials like flyers or coupons. Strategically display a QR code on digital signage, product packaging, or business cards. 

You can save on printing costs and simplify distribution, allowing you to reach a wider audience without exceeding budget constraints.

Implementing this type of QR code projects a modern and technologically-savvy brand image. 

This strategy can be particularly attractive to younger demographics who are comfortable using mobile technology.

Best use cases for a text message QR code 

This QR code offers a versatile tool for businesses and individuals to connect and engage with their audience. 

Here’s a QR code guide on the prime scenarios where these codes can be used for SMS:

Lead generation

Attract potential customers at trade shows, conferences, or networking events.  

Place a scannable QR code with your pre-written message (e.g., "Sign up for our newsletter for exclusive discounts!") to capture leads effortlessly.

Spreading announcement

Announcement QR code

Instead of spending on printed flyers and posters, a QR code for SMS can make up for the job—catering to both digital and printed audiences.

For educational institutions or managerial tasks, you can send instructions or announcements to your downlines using QR codes. It’s helpful for recipients to send their replies instantly.

Sharing inspirational messages

Share a QR code today to send out inspirational messages and quotes to your friends and relatives. 

When users scan the code, they can read the message embedded in it. Since your phone number is already there, they can freely reply to thank you.

Marketing and promotion

This can also be another way to promote mobile marketing QR code initiatives, in addition to flyers and posters.

You can use this QR code for SMS to send out a message to your contact list regarding an upcoming sale. 

It will pique the audience’s interest and might increase your sales on the actual day.

Customer service

You can embed this QR code message that directs customers to the customer service mobile number. 

It will allow convenient and fast communication for customers to relay their concerns or send out inquiries.

They no longer have to resort to emails when asking inquiries, especially for those who find SMS-sending more convenient than email-sending.

Meeting and event reminders

You can use the QR code for SMS to remind attendees about the event or meeting. In the message section, include the complete details of the event, such as the name, venue, and time and date.

Sending an RSVP QR code rather than sending the actual text preserves the confidentiality of the embedded data.

Best practices in designing an SMS QR code

When designing a QR code, consider some important points that might affect its scannability.

Here are a few tips to follow: 

Choose your QR colors well

Using almost similar colors for both patterns and frames will make scanners have a hard time detecting important QR code points, resulting in faulty scanning.

That is why pastels are not a great choice for QR codes; they are rather light, which might be hard for scanners to detect.

In designing your QR code using a clickable QR  code generator, always remember that the pattern should be darker than that of the background and not the other way around.

Including your brand logo gives users the confidence to scan your code. 

Adding the logo also helps with retention—people will most likely remember your brand each time they see it.

Include a CTA to your SMS QR code

Make it compelling. Powerful calls to action give off a sense of urgency. Incorporate the words “now” and “today” in your CTA.

When followed and done correctly, these tips will surely improve the scan analytics of your QR code.

Why choose the Free QR Code Generator?

For your QR code needs, choosing the best software matters the most. 

The flexibility and funtionality of the QR software you’re using will greatly affect the quality of the QR codes you will produce.

Some of the qualities you must consider include affordability, availability of solutions, customization features offered, and one that has a friendly interface to work with.

This QR code software offers mostly free QR code solutions and, even better, a freemium version that lets you try out even the most advanced QR code solutions.

When taking advantage of its offers, you can choose from a list of flexible plan subscriptions that will surely fit your budget.

It offers 20 QR code solutions (a mix of static and dynamic solutions), including the most popular ones: URL, vCard, WiFi, File, and SMS QR codes.

In addition, this QR code software has various customization features to edit a QR code, which can be used to make branded and functional QR codes.

You can change the color, the frames, the eyes, patterns, and even add a logo to your code and, most importantly, the call to action tag.

These specifications might seem intimidating, but Free QR Code Generator’s friendly interface allows you to navigate through it swiftly—even non-tech-savvy users can confidently work with this software.

Other QR code solutions to try

Aside from the QR code SMS solution, you should try other QR code solutions. Below are some of the most common solutions you can use, too:


The URL QR code can hold any link. When users scan this code, it opens up to the embedded website.

You no longer have to copy-paste lengthy URL addresses or manually search for a website online; scanning a code makes the job much easier and more convenient.


With a WiFi QR code, you can set up your WiFi details, such as name and password, so when users scan the code, they can directly connect to your network.

It eliminates the hassle of manually inputting passwords, which are usually an alphanumeric combination prone to typographic errors, and it also saves time.


The vCard QR code lets you share your business card in digital form.

When users scan this code, they can view a digital version of your business card that they can directly save on their devices.

Because printed business cards have limited space, you can only include a few details about yourself when printing them. And remember that printing a lot of these can also be very costly.

But using a vCard QR code, printing one, or sharing it online can already go a long way. 

Not only that, but you can also include more details about yourself while editing the vCard landing page. You can add links to social networking sites, descriptions, and even a photo.


The File QR code lets you embed PDF, JPEG, PNG, MP4, Excel, and Word documents. 

However, your chosen plan subscription will dictate the maximum file size you can embed, which ranges from 5 to 20 MB.

This QR code solution resolves the matter of device incompatibility when sharing files from one user to another.

Social media

The social media QR code acts as an all-in-one solution, holding all your social platforms in one code.

Instead of creating separate QR codes for platforms like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and more, the social media QR code allows you to hold all of these. 

People can then follow you on all these sites with one click. This QR code solution is suitable for influencers or social media marketers who want to increase their followings.


If you are an event organizer, you can use this QR code to send invites or reminders to anyone about an upcoming event. 

When creating this QR code, you can include details, like event name, location, and time. You can use this as an alternative to printing posters and flyers, which can be very costly.


If you’re inviting your friends to come over for a housewarming party or going somewhere for a group trip, a location QR code can be a more precise instruction.

Instead of using photos or just Google Maps screenshots of the location, the exact points will most likely lead them to the right place, which is more convenient and helpful.

Beyond the text: A message sent through QR codes

SMS QR codes offer a powerful way to deliver messages with a touch of intrigue.  

The combination of convenience, security, and a unique user experience can turn a simple message into a worthwhile scan.

Plus, QR codes are completely free to use and accessible offline, making them ideal for on-the-go interactions.  

Visit the Free QR Code Generator website and sign up for an account—no credit card details are needed! 

You may also sign up for the freemium version to enjoy the dynamic QR code solutions.

Frequently asked question

Can a QR code be sent as an SMS?

SMS can't transmit QR codes directly. However, you can include a link to a website or image containing the QR code within your SMS. The recipient scans the image to trigger the SMS action encoded in the QR code.