How to Use QR Codes Loyalty Programs

In the modern world, customer loyalty is the key to business success. And with the rise of technology, businesses are finding new ways and means to keep their customers returning. 

One of the most effective ways thus far is using QR codes for loyalty programs. 

Implementing QR codes makes it easy for customers to participate in loyalty programs and for businesses to track customer engagement.

Customers can scan these codes using a smartphone to redeem coupons and discounts, making it easy for customers to earn rewards and for businesses to track customer engagement. 

This blog will look at the benefits of using QR codes for customer loyalty using the free QR code generator software. 

5 benefits of using QR codes loyalty programs

Convenience for customers

Instead of carrying around a physical loyalty card, customers can scan a QR code loyalty card using their smartphone to earn rewards. This strategy makes it easier for customers to participate in loyalty programs.

Cost savings for businesses

Traditional loyalty cards require businesses to print and distribute physical cards, which can be costly. 

QR codes, on the other hand, can be generated and distributed digitally, eliminating the need for physical cards.

Better tracking capabilities

Track customer visits, purchase history, and more using QR codes. Businesses can then use this information to personalize rewards and offers for individual customers, increasing their engagement with the program.

Enhanced customer experience

QR codes can link customers to exclusive offers, discounts, or information about the store’s products or services. It can enhance the customer experience in the physical store.

Increased engagement

Using QR codes for loyalty programs can make it easier for customers to participate, and digital tracking can give businesses more insight into their customers. It can increase engagement and loyalty.

How to set up a QR code-based customer loyalty program

Follow these steps to create loyalty program QR code:

1. Choose a QR code generator: Many online QR code generators are available. Choose one that is easy to use and offers the features you need for your loyalty programs, like the Free QR code Generator or QRTIGER. 

2. Create your loyalty program: Decide on the rewards and incentives you will offer customers, and create a system for tracking customer participation and prizes.

3. Generate your QR codes: Use your chosen QR code generator to create unique QR codes for each customer or each loyalty program level. You can also include a call-to-action, such as “Scan to earn rewards” or “Scan to access exclusive offers.”

4. Integrate the QR codes into your existing systems: If you already have a loyalty program, integrate them into your current systems so that customers can use them to earn rewards. If you are starting a new loyalty program, create a plan for tracking customer participation and prizes.

5. Promote your loyalty program: Once you set the QR code loyalty program, promote it to your customers through various channels such as email, social media, and in-store signage.

6. Track customer engagement: Regularly check the data provided by your QR codes and evaluate the effectiveness of your loyalty program. Use this data to improve the program and increase customer engagement.

7. Update and maintain the program: Continuously update and maintain your loyalty program and reward your loyal customers.

Real use cases of QR codes loyalty programs

Here are a few examples of businesses that have successfully implemented QR code loyalty programs and the strategies they used to make them successful:


Starbucks has implemented a QR code-based loyalty program that allows customers to earn rewards and access exclusive offers by scanning QR codes in-store. 

The company uses a mobile app to track customer participation and rewards and also uses the app to send personalized offers to customers based on their purchase history. 

This strategy provides convenience for customers and helps Starbucks better understand their customers’ preferences and offer them personalized promotions.


Beauty retailer Sephora has implemented a QR code-based loyalty program that allows customers to earn rewards and access exclusive offers by scanning QR codes in-store. 

They also use a mobile app to keep track of customer participation and rewards, and they use the information they get to personalize their customers’ shopping experiences and give them personalized deals.


Walmart has also implemented a QR code-based loyalty program that allows customers to earn rewards and access exclusive offers by scanning QR codes at the point of sale. 

In addition, Walmart uses the data collected from the program to personalize promotions and offers to customers based on their purchase history and demographics.

Tips for optimizing your loyalty program QR codes

Track customer engagement

Use the data collected from the QR codes to track customer engagement, such as how often customers are scanning the codes and what they are purchasing. 

You can use this information to personalize rewards and offers for individual customers, increasing their engagement with the program.

Incentivize repeat visits

Offer rewards or incentives for repeat visits, such as a free drink or a discount on a future purchase. 

This strategy will encourage customers to return to your business again and again.

Personalize offers and rewards

Use the data collected from the QR codes to personalize offers and rewards for individual customers. For example, if customers frequently purchase a specific product, offer them a discount to reward their loyalty.

Make sure to comply with regulations

Make sure that your loyalty program complies with the regulations of your location and that customers are aware of the terms and conditions of the loyalty program.

Omnichannel marketing strategies

Use QR codes and other marketing strategies such as email, social media, and in-store signage to promote your loyalty program and increase customer engagement.

You can add QR codes to your print materials like posters, flyers, and banners so more people will see, scan, and engage with them.

Increase customer loyalty using QR codes 

Customer loyalty is the key to success for any business, and using QR codes is a smart way to achieve it. They offer companies a convenient, cost-effective, convenient, and easy-to-track system for providing loyalty programs that will get customers hooked.

They make it easy for customers to participate in loyalty programs and for businesses to track customer engagement. 

By using QR codes in conjunction with mobile apps and data analysis, businesses can personalize rewards and offers for individual customers, increasing their engagement and loyalty. 

Following the steps outlined in this blog post and the tips provided, businesses can set up and optimize a QR code-based loyalty program to help retain customers and drive growth. 

Waste no time and start implementing QR codes in your business using the Free QR code generator today, and see the results yourself.